This episode is a joint episode of The Neighborhood Watch Podcast and The King Williams Podcast. In this interview, I talk to Atlanta data-journalist Sylvia Johnson on Georgia's recent anti-CRT bills. Sylvia wrote about the 5 current bills sitting in the Georgia legislature for my most recent newsletter edition entitled "Georgia's Anti-Critical Race Theory Bills". We also talk about the role of organizations like The Heritage Foundation have played in drafting Georgia and other states' similar bills.
This episode is also available on Apple Podcasts and on Spotify.
I would also suggest reading my previous newsletter issues:
The Update 9/5/2020 - Trump is ending critical race theory + Jessica Krug blackface controversy
5/26/2020 - The first Memorial Day, Confederate women, and the erasure of Black History
I would also suggest listening to my previous podcast episode:
This episode is also available on Apple Podcasts and on Spotify.
(0:00-1:00) Intro
(1:00-2:45) House Keeping
Sylvia Johnson
Conservative Organizations - Sylvia
The 1619 Project - me & Sylvia
HB888 - Sylvia
HB1084 - Sylvia
Black conservatism, Black antagonism, nationalism - me
What is being talked about in race? - sylvia
What will happen if HB 888 passes in Georgia? - Sylvia
How does or will this affect curriculums? - Sylvia
The interjection of Hedrich Nichols episode - me
Are there other topics being discussed for removal?
SB 226, SB 323, SB327 - Sylvia
Are similar bills being considered in other states? - Sylvia
Florida’s STOP WOKE ACT - Sylvia
Texas and its race to the bottom - Sylvia
Micro - Parental bill of rights - Sylvia
Macro - what is the future of education? - Sylvia
Macro - what is the future of black education? - Sylvia
If you can change one thing, what would it be? - Sylvia
What is one thing about you or your work that is misconstrued? - Sylvia
What’s making you happy? - Sylvia
Final word - me - Malcolm X
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